Shuttle XPC Computers – Compact, efficient and incredibly powerful!
Authorised Reseller
Shuttle XPC Computers, small footprint systems designed to provide the power and features of a typical desktop PC in a fraction of the space. Shuttle provide a variety of product and models geared for your needs:
• Office & Workstations
• School
• Digital Signage & Media Players
• PBX System
• Kiosk & Wayfinding
• Retail & Point of Sale
• Security Appliances
• Vertical Market Applications
• Home and Commercial Automation
• Home & Gaming
Based upon 35 years of experience in PC technology, Shuttle is now a SFF PC market leader
that offers a complete line of computer solutions, including XPC Cube (13L), XPC Slim
(3L/1.3L), XPC Nano (>1.3L) and XPC All-in-One PCs. With unique features of silent cooling,
energy efficiency, long-term operation and broad temperature spectrum, Shuttle XPCs are
widely being used for a wide variety of applications.
Shuttle XPC Computers
NB: Prices are scheduled to change